Allerton Mansion

Allerton Mansion
515 Old Timber Road
Monticello, IL 61856
Original Architect
John Borie
Restoration Architect
Brush Architects, LLC
National Register of History Places
Building History
The Allerton Estate was constructed in 1899, designed by John Borie, of Philadelphia, PA. The House and extensive gardens were donated to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1946 for use as a cultural institution. The extensive natural area within the park was listed as a National Natural Landmark in 1970, and the estate including the buildings and grounds were listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2007.
Preservation and Building Pathology Challenges
The original slate roof required replacement. The monumental masonry chimneys are also in need of extensive repair. Due to building geometry, access was a key strategy for project. For the effort of getting onto the roof, the work scope includes the logical grouping of masonry repairs, fascia restoration, window, and cupola repairs. The strategic challenge of the project is that the building and grounds are very popular for public and private gatherings. The construction schedule and budget is tightly defined, and with minimized disruption to the continuous operation of the estate.
Design Solution
The slate roofs, low slope roofs, chimneys, and cupola on the building were designed by Brush Architects for repair, replacement and restoration 2014-2015. The design challenge is a cost effective and sustainable solution to the restoration of the historic fabric. Slate was replaced with high quality Vermont slate, and the face brick was retained for re-installation throughout the project. A materials reuse plan is underway for brick and slate components that are not re-installed on the building will be salvaged on the property as part of the Estate’s farming component.